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1 Peter

Living Stones

Joseph Gill

Simon Peter was not the man he used to be!  He had been   radically transformed by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ!

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His Past-Peter had been a fisherman. They were known  for their vulgar ways and wicked lifestyles.  By Peter’s own admission, he was a sinful man. Do you remember where you were

when the Lord found you?  Can you remember life

before Jesus?  Do you remember the day His light

shined in your darkness?  Do you remember what

you were before He saved you?

His Profession – When Peter bowed before Jesus on

that fishing boat, he called Jesus “Lord”. Peter was a

saved man.  He was a believer in the Lord Jesus

Christ. Has there been a moment when you bowed

before the Lord Jesus and received Him as your

Savior?  Have you believed in His name by faith

and been saved?  If so, praise His name!  You too have a profession of faith

Sailing Trip

  His Proof – There were times when Peter excelled in his walk with the Lord.  Once Peter had sought to defend the Lord Jesus using a sword.  Even after the arrest of Jesus, when all the other disciples had fled away, Peter “followed him afar off”. Peter had real fruit in his life. Can you see fruit in your life?  The presence of fruit is the badge of your salvation. "Every” branch in Jesus bears fruit!  Do you have the proof?  If so, then praise the Lord!  By the way, do you know what spiritual fruit is?  There are three basic types of fruit that the Lord bears in the lives of His children.  1. Sanctification - That is, we become more like Him. 2. Spirituality - That is, we behave more like Him. 3. Souls - That is, we are burdened like Him. Do you have any proof in your life?)

 His Problem – In spite of all that Peter had in his favor, he still fell into sin.  He denied the Lord Jesus three times.  At one point, he does so with cursing. Regardless of the change we have experienced through Jesus, it is always possible for us to fall back into sin!  Why? Because we still wear this old, fallen, wicked, adamic flesh!  It never gets better, but it progressively gets worse. You are just as capable of sin now as you have ever been!  Nothing but the grace of God stands between you and the most terrible of sins!  You say, “Not me!  I would never do that kind of thing!”  Look out! Just when you think you have it under control, and put to death, it will spring to life and you will be backslidden and out of God’s will!

The New Life is a transformation! But, the seeds of sin still dwell within the heart of every believer! So be careful!

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